07 December 2006

brit & paris go out to party and many more

Britney y Paris antes y después.

Las malas lenguas dicen que detrás de la nueva amistad de ellas dos hay algo más y que son más que amigas, es decir, amantes.
Se van de fiesta juntas, de compras, Paris le abre siempre la puerta del coche a Britney..
.Esto no seria nuevo para Paris pues ella ha estado con chicas pero Britney

¿¿¿Qué opinan? esto es verdad o sólo habladurias?


Britney and Paris then and now.

People are suggesting that what really is behind that new friendship is that they are much more than friends, I mean, they're lovers.
They are always partying, going shopping together, Paris always opens the door of the car for Britney...
This would be not new for Paris who has previously been with other girls but for Britney?

What do you think? this is true or just gossip?

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