05 December 2006

the chupacabra knows what friendship really is

Para que luego digan que Paris es una mala influencia, miren como come Nicole!

Eso es una amiga y no lo que son Mischa Barton y Rachel Zoe, la ex-estilista de Nicole.
Tanto ella como Mischa estaban muy preocupadas por la salud de Nicole, y qué hizo ella? pues despedir a su estilista y dejar de llamar a Mischa con lo que ya no son amigas, porque una amiga no es eso, una amiga no te dice ques estás muy delgada y que deberias comer...
hay gente que no sabe lo que és la amistad.


Who said Paris was a bad influence? look how Nicole eats!

That's a friend and not Mischa Barton and Rachel Zoe, Nicole's ex-stylist.
Her and Mischa were very worried about Nicole's health and what did she do? fire her stylist and do not return calls to Mischa so they're no more friends because that is not a friend, a friend doesn't tell you that you look skinny and that you should eat... S
ome people just don't know what friendship is.

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