26 May 2007

Hoy info sobre la chica de moda Cory Kennedy.
Muchos no saben quién és, y la verdad esque no tiene ni talento ni profesión alguna ya que sólo tiene 17 años y básicamente sale de fiesta y cuelga sus fotos en internet. Pero su estilo heroin chic es lo más "in" ahora.
Les cuento que muchos creen que esta chica se droga, ser amiga de Lindsay no ayuda mucho a creer lo contrario, pero Cory sólo se emborracha. De hecho su madre hace que le hagan pruebas toxicológicas cada semana para asegurarse de que su niña no tome drogas ya que su familia es propensa a sufrir depresiones y problemas emocionales y tomar drogas seria fatal para ello.
Además, la madre la ha metido a ella y a su hermana gemela en un internado así que está más controlada y ya no anda tanto de fiesta. Pero los fines de semana sí que puede.
Nos gusta Cory así que nuestro consejo sería que se alejase lo máximo posible de LiLo y seguro que ni prueba las drogas.
Today I'll post info about it girl Cory Kennedy.
Many doesn't know who she is and in fact she has no talent or profession known as she's just 17 and she basically goes out to party and posts her pics on the internet. But her heroin chic style is so in fashion right now.
Many believe that this girl is on drugs, being friends with Lindsay doesn't help much to believe the contrary, but Cory just gets drunk. In fact her mother takes her to get tested every week to make sure her little girl is not on drugs because their family tends to have depression and emotional problems and if she took drugs that would be a fatal thing.
Plus her mom has checked her and her twin sister into a boarding school to be more controled and she's not going out as often lately. But she can go out at weekends.
We like Cory so our advice for her is to get away as much as possible from LiLo and we can trust that she won't try drugs ever.
[Quedan 10 dias / Only 10 days left]

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