13 May 2007

fight between simpson sisters?

Las hermanas Simpson peleadas?

Se dice que Jessica está verde de envidia con el nuevo look de su hermana Ashlee a la que ahora todos llaman "Una monada".
Claro Jessica siempre ha sido la hermana guapa, (Ashlee era un MONSTRUO!) pero desde que Ashlee se operó la nariz ("Life in plastic is fantastic!") y dejó de ser la fea Jessica está que trina.

Qué opinan? es Ashlee ahora la más guapa de las dos?

Sinceramente creo que sí aunque ellas no podrían importarme menos, no me gustan y creo que no tienen talento alguno!


Fight between the Simpson sisters?

Rumours say that Jessica is green with envy with her sister's new look, who people call now "A cutie".
That's because Jessica was always named the pretty sister of the two (Ashlee was a MONSTER!) but since Ashlee got her nose job ("Life in platic is fantastic!") and was not longer the ugly one Jessica is on her nerves.

What do you think? Is Ashlee now the prettiest of the two?

Sincerely I think so, though I couldn't careless of these two, I don't like them and I think they're talentless!


Anonymous said...

jaja se nota que no te gustan

Anonymous said...

peron, que no te importan...
por eso les dedicas una pagina

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