05 July 2007

li-lo & paris are patriotic

Esto NO es una buena idea

Adivinan a quién invitó Li-Lo a su fiesta de celebración del 4 de Julio? pues a muy buenas amistades suyas como Samantha Romson, su supuesta amante y la que se supone que se aprovecha de su "amistad", a Calum Best su último folla-amigo antes de entrar en rehab que es igual que ella (alcohólico y fiestero) y al que pillaron tomando coca mientras estaba con dos prostitutas, y a Paris... no hace falta decir nada más, verdad?

Lo bueno de todo esto esque el drama está servido, sólo hay que darles tiempo...


This is NOT a good idea

Guess who did Li-Lo invite to her 4th of July celebration party? Then to very good friends of her like Samantha Romson, her supposed lover and the one who's supposed to take advantage of their "friendship", also to Calum Best, her latest fuck-buddy before entering rehab who is just like her (alcohol addict and party animal) and who was caught taking coke while he was with two prostitutes, and Paris Hilton... no need to say more right?

The good thing of all this is that drama is served, just give them time...

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