27 July 2007

lindsay is responsible, cocked up

Lo de Lindsay es increíble...

Ahora ella dice que los pantalones que ella llevaba la noche del arresto y que contenían cocaína en los bolsillos no eran suyos sino que los había tomado prestado de otra persona...

Li-Lo nunca acepta ninguna responsabilidad sobre sus actos, siempre culpa a otra persona, nunca cambiará.

Aqui tienen el trailer de su última peli "Sé quién arruinó mi carrera": http://hollywood.outsidethebeltway.com/2007/07/lindsay-lohan-i-know-who-killed-my-career


It's amazing about Lindsay...

Now she's saying that the trousers she was wearing the night of her arrest, those containing coke on the pockets, were not hers, she borrowed them from someone...

Li-Lo never takes any responsabilities for her actions, always blames someone else, she is never going to change.

Here is the trailer of her latest film "I know who killed my career": http://hollywood.outsidethebeltway.com/2007/07/lindsay-lohan-i-know-who-killed-my-career/

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