19 September 2007

brit will never learn

Bueno hubo rumores ayer de que Brit había perdido la custodia de sus hijos pero no es verdad, aunque el juez ha decicido que la custodia sea compartida entre ella y Kevin a partes iguales 50/50, aunque el quería un 70/30 a su favor.

Se mostraron pruebas de que Britney no sólo bebe habitualmente sino que ha consumido determinadas sustancias con lo que le realizarán exámenes toxicológicos dos veces por semana.

Aparte de esto tanto ella como K-Fed tendrán que acudir a un programa de "Ser padres sin conflicto" y ninugno de los dos podrá haber bebido ni tomado drogas 12 horas antes de estar con sus hijos.

Bueno y tras esto saben como celebró Brit que se probara que bebe y toma drogas? pues saliendo de fiesta! en serio que con Britney ya, no hay remedio, opinen ustedes mejor, a mí ya no me da ni para eso...


Well yesterday there were rumours that Brit had lost the custody of her children but that's not true, though the judge determined that it will be a joint custody between her and Kevin 50/50, even though he wanted 70/30 on his favour.

There were evidences that Britney not only drinks on a regular status but also abuses of some substances so she will undergo through some random toxicologic tests twice a week.

Plus she and K-Fed will have to atend to a "Parenting without conflict" programme and noone of the two can take any alcohol or drugs 12 hours prior to be with the kids.

Well after all this guess how Britney celebrated that it has been proven that she drinks and does drugs? then by going out to party! really, Britney will never learn, you better give yourself your opinion because I'm really not able to do so...

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