23 September 2007

nicole will be back to looking like the chupacabra before marrying

Muchos me han pedido noticias sobre Nicole Richie pero esque esta chica últimamente está haciendo lo que tiene que hacer: prepararse para ser mamá.

Ya no sale de fiesta, se cuida, come mucho y ahora está celebrando su 26 cumpleaños en Hawai con su novio Joel. La verdad esque parece que se lo está tomando en serio y se la ve muy sana.

Joel ha dicho que tienen planes de boda pero que esperarán a que nazca el bebé porque claro, quién quiere verse gorda vestida de novia? y menos Nicole!


Many of you have asked me about Nicole Richie but this girl is doing lately what she's got to do: preparing to become a mom.

She doesn't go out to party anymore, she's taking care of herself, eats a lot and now she's clebrating her 26th birthday in Haway with her boyf Joel. It seems that she's really taking this seriously and looks very healthy.

Joel has said that they have plans to marry but only after the baby is born, of course noone wants to look fat in a wedding dress and the least one is Nicole!

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