30 September 2007

paris didn't enjoy her time in the slam, letterman show

Paris haciendo uno de sus hobbies preferidos: admirarse a sí misma.

Ella estuvo esta semana en el show de David Letterman y él no paró de hacerle preguntas sobre su paso en prisión, lo cual desagradó a Paris bastante.

Él le preguntó cosas como:

"Que, te gustó estar en prisión?" a lo que ella contestó después de que el público se muriera de la risa, "No demasiado".

"Sabes que encerraron a tu amiga Nicole también. Ella estuvo encerrada sólo durante 45 minutos, cómo funciona eso? cómo puede estar alguien dentro durante sólo 45 minutos?", a lo que Paris incómoda contestó, "No lo sé".

- "Bueno dinos, echando la vista atrás, qué has aprendido de esa experiencia?"
- "Bueno, obviamente fue una experiencia muy traumática pero lo hice asi que ahora siento que puedo hacer cualquier cosa."

La cosa sisguió asi un rato hasta que Paris le dijo "No quiero hablar de ello más, no vine a hablar de esto aqui. Estás haciendo que me arrepiente de haber venido".

Podéis ver el video aquí: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koH0sDec2-k

La verdad esque Paris lo debió pasar mal especialmente porque la gente no paraba de reirse de ella, de hecho se dice que ella lloró después del programa, pero ella estaba alli para promocionar su nuevo perfume y eso la verdad no interesa mucho, era preguntarle sobre su estancia en prisión o sobre quién es su folla-amigo de la semana, y eso es algo ya sabe todo el mundo.


Paris doing one of her fave hobbies: to admire herself.

Paris attended this week to the David Letterman show and he didn't stop asking her questions about her staying in jail, which Paris didn't like a bit.

He asked things like:

"How'd you like being in jail?" to what she replied after the audience laughed a lot, "Not too much."

"You know what, they locked up your friend Nicole. She was in for just 45 minutes, how does that work? I mean how can someone be in for just 45 minutes?" and Paris, quiet uncomfortable answered "I don't know".

- "Tell us now looking back on that experience, what have we learned? What can you tell us?".
- "Well, obviously it was a very traumatic experience, but I did it, so I feel like I can do anything now."

The thing went like that for a while until Paris said, "I don't really want to talk about it anymore. I didn't come here to talk about this. You are making me sad that I came here."

Watch the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koH0sDec2-k

Well Paris really seemed to have a hard time there because people didn't stop laughing at her the whole time, infact its said that Paris cried after the show, but she was there to promote her new perfume and that's not really quite interesting, it was either ask her about her time in jail or about her fuck-buddy of the week, and that's something everyone already knows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

acabo de ver le video, pobre Paria, se re pasó el

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