26 November 2007

lindsay stills an attention whore, is going to be single soon

Lindsay parece que ha encontrado la estabilidad con su novio Riley pero parece que pronto no va a ser así...

Parece ser que Linds tiene una vida muy agitada y le pide mucho a él y últimamente están todo el día peleando. Eso sumado a que Riley odia la atención de los medios y Linds adora eso podrían hacer que rompieran pronto.

Buf ni quiero pensar en lo que pasará si él la deja, si lo hace que la deje ya de paso en rehab porque Linds no se tomaría lo de la ruptura nada bien...


Lindsay seems to have found stability with her boyfriend Riley but it seems that it's not going to be like that soon...

Apparently Linds is so hectic and demanding that lately they have been fighting a lot. In addition to that Riley hates the spotlight while she loves the attention and that could cause the break-up.

I really don't want to think what would happen if he dumped her, if he does he should give her a ride to rehab because Linds wouldn't take the split nicely....

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