11 December 2007

britney is a master of theft

Corre el rumor de que Britney está chantajeando a Paris con poner en internet una cinta de Paris liándose con una amiga suya en una fiesta si no deja ser grosera con la gente.

Hay cosas que no me las creo ni yo, y no porque Paris salga enrollándose con una chica (cosa que ha hecho antes), o que haya una cinta de ello, sino porque no veo a Brit capaz de montar todo este complot sola, la idea de complot para Brit es robar un mechero sin ser vista, y aún así la pillan robando en vídeo, asi que...



There's the word out that Britney is blackmailing Paris threatening her to leak a video of Paris making out with a friend at a party if she doesn't stop being rude to people.

There are things that I don't buy, and it's not because it shows Paris hooking up with a girl (she has done that before), or that it's caught on camera, but just because I don't think Brit could plan all this, Britney's idea of a plan is to steal a lighter without being caught and even so she's caught on tape stealing, so...


1 comment:

Brilly said...

ains que tristeza de tia!

lo que hacen alguna para acaparar portadas y reportajes...



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