15 January 2008

brit makes no effort on having her kids back

Britney ayer con su nuevo novio paparazzi...

Ayer era un día decisivo para que Brit recuperase al menos las visitas a sus hijos, recuerden que desde "el incidente" de la semana pasada no los ha visto, pero se presentó tarde al juicio y cuando llegó se excusó diciendo: "Estoy asustada. Quiero irme a mi coche. Me voy al coche". Y se fue.

Ahora no podrá ver a sus hijos de forma indefinida, al menos hasta la próxima audiencia en Febrero.

En serio, qué le pasa a Britney???


Britney with her new paparazzi boyfriend just yesterday...

Yesterday was a crucial day for Brit to have back her visitation rights to her children, remember that after the 'incident' of last week she hasn't seen them, but she arrived late to court and apologised by saying: "I'm scared. I want to get in the car. I'm going in the car". And left.

Now she wouldn't be able to see her kids indefinately, at least until next hearing on February.

Seriously, what wrong with Britney???

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