30 January 2008

lilo is doing great, drinking is helping her (part4)

Lindsay con la cara que parece que se le va a derretir y caer a cachos...

Ella ha sido vista bebiendo de nuevo pero un amigo suyo ha dicho:

"Lindsay está aprendiendo como controlar sus adicciones y una vez de vez en cuando, elije tomarse un cocktail."

Bueno, si se controla no pasa nada, yo de momento no me preocuparía por Linds, cuando empieze a perseguir a coches con el suyo y a estampar su coche contra cualquier cosa, podemos empezar a sospechar.


Lindsay with her face that seems like is going to melt and fall to pieces...

She has been spotted drinking again but a friend has said:

“Lindsay is learning how to work through her addictions and, once in a while, she chooses to have a cocktail.”

Well, if she controls herself then it's ok, I wouldn't worry about her until Linds starts chasing other cars and crash her car into anything she finds, then we can actually start to suspect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

con los alcoholicos no vale eso de "controlarse"

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