19 March 2008

hilary is a good ex-girlfriend

Hilary con Joel Madden cuando eran novios y Joel no comía tanto...

A Hilary le preguntaron el otro día si pensaba que Joel sería un buen padre. Su respuesta?

"Por supuesto!"

Ay, si esque hay starlets y starlets y Hil es de las que hacen las cosas bien.


Hilary with Joel Madden when they were dating and Joel didn't eat as much as he does now...

Hilary was asked the other day if Joel would make a good dad. Her answer?

"Of course!"

Aww, there are starlets and starlets and Hil is definately one of those who makes things right.

1 comment:

eveli said...

pues claro q si hil es respetuosa y educada le da igual q le aya dejado joel y pues claro q si no tiene nada q ver q n esten saliendo

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