12 March 2008

nicky blames bad angles, i blame bad nutrition

Nicky ha dicho:

"No hay ninguna verdad en que esté sin comer, desórdenes alimenticios, rumores... Creo que la prensa está publicando fotos mías desde ángulos poco favorecedores. Mis amigos ven esas imñagenes y piensan 'Oh dios mio, estás bien?' Y luego me ven y dicen 'Oh...'. No es tan interesante y no es cierto".

Bueno, el ángulo de esta foto es de frente así que nada de ángulos poco favorecedores, se ve delgada y punto, diga lo que diga. Y eso que la cámara engorda!


Nicky has said:

"There's no truth to any starvation, eating disorders, rumors... I think the press has been printing a lot of pictures of me from unflattering angles. My friends see the pictures and they're like 'Oh my god are you okay?' And then they see me, and they're like 'Oh ... ' It's really not that interesting or true."

Well, this pic's angle is a front one so there's no unflattering angle here, she looks skinny and that's it. And think that on camera you look with more weight on!


Anonymous said...

está delgadisima! Que horror

Anonymous said...

tienes vida!??!

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