11 April 2008

paris wants to be the new nicole (part2)

Paris con su madre. Incluso ella cuestiona su relación con Benji!

Se ve que Kathy Hilton tuvo una charla con su hija para saber los motivos de porqué estaba saliendo con él, incluso le preguntó directamente si hacía todo esto para poner a Nicole nerviosa.

La verdad esque parece que esa es su intención ya que parece que ha eclipsado toda esa nueva felicidad de Nicole con su nueva relación y bueno, cuando estas dos se enfandan lo hacen de verdad asi que esta historia va a dar mucho de si...


Paris with her mom. Even her is questioning her relationship woth Benji!

It seems that Kathy Hilton had a talk with her daugther about it to know her motives for dating Benji, she even flat-out asked her if she was doing this just to rile Nicole.

It seems like that's it's the intention because she has taken all that new happiness that Nicole got with her new relationship and well, when these two argue they make it in a big way so we'll get some more juicy stories coming fom this...

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