08 May 2008

paris is a copycat

Nicole posando con su pequeña Harlow para una revista, se parece un montón a su papá!

Ella ha dicho:

"Joel de hecho cambia más pañales que yo. Es su momento con ella. Le canta... se ríe con ella, juega. Es genial. Todo lo que hago es para ella, estuve emocionada desde el minuto que supe que estaba embarazada... y es como una carrera aluncinante desde entonces. Siento que mi grupo de 5 a 10 amigos la quieren mucho, es como si fuera suya...".

Tanto es así que Paris quiere una réplica igual!

"Nicole es la primera amiga en tener un bebé... Viendo a Harlow me hace muchas ganas tener uno. Siempre he querido tener un bebé".

Esto ya es demasiado descarado!

Nicole posing with her baby Harlow for a magazine, she really looks like daddy!

She has said:

"Joel actually changes more diapers than I. It's his time with her. He sings to her .... He laughs with her, plays with her. It's amazing. Everything I do is for her, I was so excited from the minute I found out I was pregnant ... and it's been nothing but an amazing ride since. I feel like my group of five to 10 friends, they really love her, like she's theirs ..." .

Totally, even Paris wants a mini replica of her!

"Nicole is our first friend to have a baby ... Seeing Harlow, it really makes me want one. I've always wanted to have a baby."

This is already too obvious!

1 comment:

Animaciòn 3D-PIXAR said...

Harlow es igual a Joel, especialmente la parte de los ojos.
Qué bueno que sean felices

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