17 October 2008

Rihanna con su novio Chris Brown, aunque puede que ya no esté de novia con él...

Parece ser que a RiRi se la vió en un club sentada encima del músico Kanye West, y tras un rato, empezaron a besarse. Cuando Rihanna se dió cuenta de que la gente les obserbava, hizo que su personal de seguridad la llevara fuera del lugar.

Ella ya cantaba una canción llamada 'Unfaithful' (Infiel) en la que se proclama a ella misma infiel, asi que no se puede decir que la chica no alertara sobre ello...


Rihanna with her boyfriend Chris Brown, but maybe she's not with him anymore...

Apparently RiRi was seen at a club sitting on musician Kanye West´s lap and after a while the two were full-on kissing each other. When Rihanna realized people were watching, she had her security escort her out of the place.

She already has a song titled 'Unfaithful' in which she called herself that, so noone can say that she wasn't alerting people from that...

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