30 November 2008

hayden says no to anything realted to lilo(part2)

Lilo y Hayden el año pasado en Nochevieja. A Hayden la siguen confundiendo a veces con Lindsay, y eso no se lo toma como un cumplido exactamente.

Al parecer, dos fans la vieron por la calle y le dijeron:

"Oh, te amamos! Oh Dios mio, eres tan guapa en persona! Oh, Lindsay... saldrás de nuevo en 'Ugly Betty'?".

A lo que Hayden les contestó:
"No me llames eso nunca más! ...No tenéis ni idea de lo insultante que eso es!".

Y se marchó. No es la primera vez que le pasa esto a Hayden y la verdad esque parece que no haya nada que le moleste más. No, Hayden no es fan de Lindsay...


Lilo and Hayden on last year's New Year's Eve. People still mistook her for Lindsay, and she doesn't take that exactly as a compliement.

Apparently two fans saw her on the street and said to her:

“Oh, we love you! Oh my god, you’re so pretty in person! Oh, Lindsay…will you appear on ‘Ugly Betty’ again?".

And Hayden replied to them:
“Don’t ever call me that again!… You have no idea what an insult that is!”

And stormed off. This isn't the first time that this happens to Hayden and it seems that there's nothing that annoys her more. No, Hayden is not exactly a fan on Lindsay...

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