21 December 2008

lilo is not gay shes just very grateful

Joe Francis es el productor de las cintas 'Girls Gone Wild' y buen amigo de muchas de las starlets, de hecho ha estado con Paris, Lindsay, Tara, Kimberly Stewart... y recientemente habló sobre Linds y Sam:

"Samantha es muy celosa. Intentó empezar una pelea conmigo. Me preocupo sobre Lindsay, ella no es gay. Ella está siendo controlada por esta... mujer miserable, esa Samantha."

Por supuesto, Sam le contestó citando la ocasión en que en la fiesta de los VMA Francis se les acercó a su mesa:

"Él saludó a Lindsay y me miró como si yo no fuera un ser humano. No tiene modales. Él es uno de los seres humanos más desagradables que hay en el mundo".

Todo el mundo parece con derecho a opinar sobre esta pareja, pero Joe dice algo que muchos piensan, que Linds no es en realidad gay y que sólo está con Sam porque le ha dado estabilidad controlando todo lo que hace... qué piensan ustedes?


Joe Francis the the producer of 'Girls Gone Wild' and a good friend of many starlets, as he has been with Paris, Lindsay, Tara, Kimberly Stewart... and he talked recently about Lindsay and Sam:

"Samantha is very jealous. She tried to start a fight with me. I care about Lindsay - she's not gay. She's being controlled by this . . . wretched woman, this Samantha."

Of course, Sam asnwered this telling the time when at the VMA party Francis approached their table:

"He said hello to Lindsay and looked over at me as if I wasn't a human being. He's got no manners. He's one of the most disgusting human beings in the world."

Everyone seems to have the right to comment about this couple, but Joe says something that many people believe, that Linds is not gay and she's just with Sam because she has brought her stability by controlling everything she does... what do you think?

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