09 January 2009

lilo has stopped being a lesbian

Parece ser que Lindsay y Sam han roto.

Tras la disputa de nochevieja, ya vieron el vídeo de ellas peleando, se dijo que en el hotel se las oyó discutiendo y rompiendo cosas y que Sam la ha dejado. Linds ya ha negado la ruptura, pero se dice que és porque no lo acepta y quiere volver con ella. De hecho estas semanas del año nuevo no se las ha visto juntas y ya saben que siempre van a todos los lados juntas y se las fotografiaba a diario. Asi que tal vez todo esto sea cierto, y si lo és a ver si Lilo sabe manejarse y no vuelve a las fiestas, el alcohol y las drogas porque empezar el año volviendo a rehab no es de las mejores maneras, porque eso es tan del 2008...


It seems that Lindsay and Sam have broken up.

After New Year's Eve dispute, you saw the video of them arguing, it was said that they were heard screaming and breaking things at the hotel, and Sam has dumped her. Linds has already denied the split but it's said that's because she's in denial and she wants to be back with her. In fact in these new year's weeks they haven't been seen together and you know that they go together anywhere and they were photgraphed every day. So maybe all this it's true, and if it is let's see if Lilo knows how to handle herself and doesn't turn to party, alcohol and drugs because starting the year going back to rehab it's not the best way, because that's so 2008...

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