17 May 2009

hayden is not going to be the next starlet mom(part2)

Hayden hablando del sexo y embarazo adolescente:

"Es un tema del que no se habla lo suficiente. Es una cosa humana. Es natural, es lo que todo el mundo hace, pero mucha gente no se da cuenta de lo serio que es hasta que les impacta directamente en sus vidas o en las vidas de aquellos a su alrededor, y pienso que es una de esas cosas donde una chica joven pensaría, 'Oh, nunca me pasará a mi, oh, le pasa a la gente pero nunca me pasará a mi', y entonces te pasa."

Palabras muy responsables de Hayden quien afirma practicar sexo tomando precauciones, esperemos que para cuando se decida a ser mamá no se coma a su bebé, porque al de la foto casi se lo comió!


Hayden has talked about teenage sex and pregnancy:

“It’s a topic that’s not talked about enough. This is just a human thing. It’s natural, it’s what everyone does, but most people don’t realize how serious things are until it directly impacts them and their lives or the lives of the people around them, and I think this is one of those things where as a young female you go, ‘Oh, it’ll never happen to me, oh, it happens to people, but it’ll never happen to me,’ and then it does happen.”

Very responsible words from Hayden, she has claimed that she practices sex taking preventions, let's hope that when she decides to become a mom she won't eat her baby because she nearly did with the one she has on the pic!

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