30 June 2009

hayden is a good role model, lilo, hmmm, not

Hayden ha dicho:

"Creo que llegué cuando Paris y Lindsay y todas estas chicas estaban en el pico de lo que estuvieran haciendo y diría que es culparme por asociación. Si eres una chica joven en Hollywood, eres culpable de casi todo lo que la gente dice. La gente cree que tiene el derecho de juzgarte y no han ni mantenido una conversación contigo y asusta. Tengo un cuerpo con el que las chicas pueden mirar y decir, 'oh, no es anoréxicamente esquelética. Luce sana y tiene celulitis, sí!'".

Sólo hay que mirar esta foto de ella y Lilo juntas, el buen aspecto que tiene Hayden y en cambio Lindsay... bueno ya lo ven.


Hayden has said:

"I think I came into it when Paris and Lindsay and all these girls were at their height of what they were doing and I would say it’s guilty by association. If you are a young female in Hollywood, you are guilty of everything that people say. People feel that they have a right to judge you and they haven’t even had a conversation with you and it’s scary. I have a body that girls can look at and go, ‘oh she’s not anorexically skinny. She looks healthy and she’s got cellulite, yeah!’"

You just have to see this pic of her and Lilo, the good aspect that Hayden does have and on the contrary Linds... well you can see it.

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