08 June 2009

lilo's stalking has good results

Sam y Lindsay volviendo de Londres juntas! Parece ser que tras días evitando a Linds durante la noche londinense, Lilo pasó una noche festejando sin acudir al club donde Sam pinchaba y eso debió llamar la atención de Sam porque están de nuevo juntas e incluso Linds parece ser que lleva un anillo de compromiso, de hecho ha anunciado en su Twitter:

"Dejando Londres con mi favorita de entre mis favoritas! Compañera de viaje y unas notícias geniales que compartiré! Tal vez..."

Nunca mejor dicho, quien la sigue la consigue!


Sam and Lindsay returning from London together! It seems that after days of avoiding Linds during those London nights, Lilo spent one night partying without going to the club where Sam was DJing and that might have caught Sam's attention because they're back together and even linds is wearing an engagement ring, infact, she has said in her Twitter:

"Leaving London but with my favorite favorite!!!-travel buddy & great news to share!! Maybe...."

If you want something then go after it!

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