13 June 2009

rihanna is not blind anymore

Rihanna y su ex Chris Brown acudieron a un partido de los Lakers, pero ni fueron juntos ni se sentaron separados y parece ser que ni siquiera se encontraron, pero sí que se tendrán que encontrar en el juzgado ya que Riri testificará en su contra por haberla golpeado, me alegro de que ella colabore en este caso porque él no merece no pagar por lo que hizo, aunque ya sabemos que por ser famoso el precio no será mucho...


Rihanna and her ex Chris Brown attended to a Lakers game, though they did not go together and neither sit near each other and it seems they didn't run into each other but they will meet in court as Riri is going to testify against him for beating her, I'm glad she's cooperating in this case because he deserves to pay for what he did though we know that he won't pay much as he's a famous person...

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