26 August 2009

marissa cooper is back(part4)

Mischa con las Ronson, Sam y Charlotte durante una reciente fiesta. La semana pasada Mischa fue vista saliendo de fiesta y muchos asistentes dijeron que se la pudo ver bebiendo, de hecho escondía su copa debajo de la mesa, y que derepente se puso nerviosa y quiso marcharse, confundiendo mucho a sus amigos quienes se marcharon con ella...

Misch está recibiendo mucha presión por todas partes con su show nuevo e intentando perder peso, asi que no me sorprendería que volviera a rehab dentro de poco...


Mischa with the Ronson, Sam and Charlotte, during a recent party. Last week Mischa was spotted partying and many onlookers said that she was seen drinking, infact she was hiding her glass under the table and all of a sudden she was nervous and wanted to leave, making her friends confused who left with her...

Misch is having a lot of pressure with her new show and the need to loose weight so it wouldn't surprise me if she returned to rehab soon...

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