10 September 2009

Ya saben que a papa Lohan nunca le ha gustado que Sam esté con su hija, ya que decía que era una mala influencia para ella entre otras cosas, pero hace poco la conoció en casa de Sam y ha dicho:

"Quiero pedir disculpas por haber dicho cualquier cosa negativa de Sam. Estaba totalmente fuera de tono. Veo realmente a Sam con una luz diferente ahora."

Parece que Lilo está reconciliándose con su padre, y eso sólo puede tener cosa buenas, al menos ya no hablará mal de ellas, bueno de momento.


As you know papa Lohan never liked Sam being with his daugther, as he used to say that she was a bad influence for her among many other things, but he recently met Sam at her house and has said:

“I want to say I’m sorry for anything negative I said about Sam. It was totally off-color. I really see Sam in a whole different light now."

It seems that Lilo is making peace with her father and that can only bring good things, at least he won't talk badly about them, well at least for now.

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