22 October 2009

lilo is going to be the new britney

Lilo va a solicitar una orden de alejamiento contra su propio padre ya que él ha dicho que ella se encuentra tan mal que quiere hacer lo que hizo el padre de Britney con su hija, tener los derechos para decidir por ella y enviarla a rehab. Pero su madre Dina está negando que ella esté mal y Lindsay ya ha dicho que no tiene contacto con él y que se dedique mejor a ser un padre a intentar ser famoso su costa.

Team Michael Lohan o Team Dina Lohan? Yo no creo que Lilo esté bien pero tampoco creo que el padre sea el mejor para decidir por ella...


Lilo is getting a restraining order against her own father as he said he wants to do the same that Brtiney's dad did to his daugther to get a conservatorship and send her to rehab. But her mother Dina is denying that she's not good and Lindsay has said that she has no contact with him and that he should be a father instead of trying to be famous using her.

Team Michael or Team Dina Lohan? I don't think Lilo is ok but I don't think that her father is the best person to decide for her...

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