16 March 2010

riri is not blind anymore(part3)

Rihanna ha dicho sobre Chris Brown:

"Había problemas de control, inseguridades. Cuando la gente es insegura, se vuelven muy controladores y pueden ponerse muy agresivos y a cambio, abusar. No tiene porqué ser físico. Como cuando te dicen malas cosas para hacerte sentir menos que ellos, y así tener control de la relación. Supone un gran peso en tu día a día. Te cambia. Al principio me encerré en mi misma. Pero ahora siento que si esto me ha pasado a mí puedo ser la voz para esas chicas jóvenes que estan pasando por lo que yo pasé y no saben como hablar de ello. No se trata sobre Chris, sobre hacerle daño o sabotear su carrera. No me importa todo eso."

Muy bien dicho Riri! Ella tiene que hablar de esto para que pueda ella ser un ejemplo para las demás chicas que les pase, no tiene que pensar en si esto afecta a Chris ya que el debió pensarlo antes de lastimar a una mujer.


Rihanna has said:

"There were control issues, insecurity. When people are insecure, they become very controlling and they can get very aggressive and in turn abusive. It doesn't have to be physical. Like, they would say bad stuff to you to make you feel lesser than them, just so they would have control in the relationship. It takes a big toll on your emotions and on your everyday life. It changes you. At first, I completely shut down. But now I feel like this happened to me so I could be a voice for young girls who are going through what I went through and don't know how to talk about it. It's not about Chris, about hurting him or sabotaging his career. I don't care about that part of it."

Well said Riri! She has to talk about it so she can be a role model for those girls who are goign through the same, she doesn't have to think if this damages Chris as he must thought better before hurting a woman.

1 comment:

ana said...

pobrecilla, con lo buena que es

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