09 May 2010

paris is friendly(part 3)

Paris y Lilo en una foto antigua, al parecer, ambas coincidieron en una fiesta recientemente y hubo... drama!

Las dos fueron a la fiesta de cumpleaños de Adrian Bellani y Paris, quien estaba con un tipo al que se conoce como el camello de las estrellas, empezó a insultarla y a decir mientras se reía: "Oh, mirad aqui viene la chica drogadicta!"

Y así siguieron hasta que Linds se encerró en el baño, y Paris y su amigo fueron tocándo a la puerta diciendo: "Necesitas algo? Esnifa una vez si es que sí, dos veces si es que no."

Paris no puede decirle nada a Lilo porque ella también toma drogas, cuando robaron en su casa hace unos meses encontraron coca en la casa y además iba acompañada de su camello, lo que pasa esque Paris sabe disimularlo mejor y moderarse más que Lindsay. Ya les dije que Paris soltera es un peligro...


Paris and Lilo in an old pic, apparently, they both recently attended to the same party and there was... drama!

Both went to Adrian Bellani's birthday party and Paris, who was with a guy who's known as 'the dealer of the stars', began insulting her and said while she was laughing: "Oh look! Here comes druggie girl!"

They ragged her until Linds locked herself in the bathroom and Paris and her friend began pounding to her door saying: "Do you need anything? Snort once for yes, twice for no."

Paris can't say anything to Lilo because she also takes drugs, when some months ago her house was broken into they found coke and she was accompained by her drug dealer, what happens is that Paris is better at hiding it and knows how to handle it better than Lindsay. I told you that single Paris was going to be trouble...

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