10 June 2010

brit might be single soon

Brit con su novio Jason Trawick, parece ser que él la ha estado engañando durante todo el tiempo que han estado juntos!

Se dice que ha estado saliendo con una asistente personal llamada Jessica a espaldas de Britney, y que la ha estado engañando desde el principio de su relación. Él ya lleva tres años estando con Jessica y aunque era público que Jason salía con Brit, él le decía a Jessica que había cortado con ella par así poder salir con las dos a la vez!

Ya hubo rumores antes de infidelidad por parte de Jason y si son ciertos no sé como podría afectar esto a Britney, ella está del todo bien gracias en parte a él así que si se entera de que él la ha engañado no sé cómo podría reaccionar ella, pero bien no sería...


Brit with her boyfriend Jason Trawick, it seems that he's been cheating on her all the time they've been together!

It's said that he has been dating a personal assistant called Jessica behind Britney's back and that he has been cheating on her ever since the beginning of their relationship. He's been dating Jessica for three years and even though it was a public thing that Jason was with Brit, he told Jessica that he had broken up with her in order to keep dating both of them at the same time!

There had been rumours before about Jason cheating and I don't know how could this affect Britney, she's fully recovered and partly thanks to him so if she founds out that he has been cheating I don't know how she could react, but she's not going to take it well...

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