03 August 2010

lilo is learning a lot from this experience

Tras 14 dias, Lindsay ya ha salido de prisión y ya se encuentra en rehab, donde tendrá que pasar 90 dias internada por consumo de alcohol y drogas y con tratamiento psiquiátrico.

Ella se encuentra muy disgustada de que la hayan enviado directamente a rehab y que no haya podido pasar ni un día con su familia y le está costando aceptar que tendrá que estar tres meses en rehab ya que sigue pensando que no necesita ninguna ayuda...

Ven lo que les dije? ni prisión ni rehab harán cambiar nunca a esta chica.


After 14 days, Lindsay is out of jail and is already in a rehab center where she will spend 90 days for drug and alcohol abuse and psychological treatment.

She's very upset that she was sent straight to rehab as she wanted to spend a day with her family and she's having a hard time accepting that she will have to be in rehab for three months as she still doesn't think that she needs any help...

See what I told you? nor prison or rehab will ever change this girl.

1 comment:

TFP said...

Solo 14 dias?? que escandalo, debería haber estado lo que pidio el juez sin recortes. besps

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