18 December 2010

from disney star to porn star?

Esta es una foto privada que ha salido de Demi con unas amigas, personalmente creo que sólo estaban haciendo el tonto (la cara del chico es lo mejor de la pic), pero parece ser que algo peor que esto está por venir...

Al parecer se dice que mientras Demi estaba de gira, solía llevarse a tipos al autobus de la gira para acostarse con ellos y que en varias ocasiones grabó en video esos encuentros. Ahora parece que alguien ha encontrado una de esas cintas y está por salir! Si esto suciediese se le vendrían aún más problemas para Demi, quién hubiera pensado que esta chica fuese tan alocada? los de Disney deben estar contentos!


This is a private pic that has leaked of Demi with some friends, I personally think she's just fooling around (the boy's face is the best thing of the pic) but it seems that something worst is to come...

Apparently, it's said that when Demi was on tour she used to bring guys to the tour bus to sleep with them and that during many times she recorded those meetings. Now it seems that someone has found one of those tapes and will be released soon! If this happened Demi will be in much more trouble, who thought this girl was so wild? The people from Disney must be really happy with her!

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