22 December 2007

lynne spears is a role mother (part2)

La madre de Brit y Jamie-Lynn ha hablado sobre el embarazo de su hija adolescente:

- Sobre cuando supo que Jamie-Lynn estaba embarazada:

"Ella vino a mí y me dijo: 'Mamá, tengo que contarte algo. Aquí está, en una nota'. Leí la nota, que por supuesto decía que estaba embarazada y corrí a la sala de estar. Le dije: 'No me creo esto. No tiene gracia!' Miré a Casey y estaba mirando directamente. Ella me dijo: 'Sí mamá, es cierto'. No lo creía porque Jamie-Lynn siempre había sido tan cauta. Nunca llega tarde a su toque de queda. Estaba en shock. Osea, es mi niña de 16 años."

- Sobre su reacción:

"Tienes que sentarte y pensar y ocuparte de la situación que tienes y pensar que hay una preciosidad de criatura por llegar".

- Sobre su hija adolescente criando a un bebé:

"Quiero que me pida tanta ayuda como necesite porque estaré ahí por ella. Quiero tener un papel importante si ella quiere que lo tenga".

- Sobre si ella y Casey deberían casarse:

"No vamos a entrar en eso. Nos estamos centrando en el bebé. Hay tanto por lo que preocuparse ahora".

- Sobre sus nietos:

"Mis nietos son tan adorables! Por supuesto otro pequeño será precioso pero una niñita también. No importa mientras venga sano, eso es lo importante".

Lynn Spears es una madre tan atenta... cómo iba a pensar que su hija estuviera teniendo sexo sin protección? nunca llegaba tarde a su toque de queda, por favor!


Brit's and Jamie-Lynn's mom has talked about her pregnant teenage daugther:

- On finding out Jamie Lynn was pregnant:

"She came to me and said: 'Mom, I have to tell you something. Here, it's in a note.' I was taken aback. I read the note, which of course said that she was pregnant, and ran into the living room. I said: 'I don't believe this. This is not funny!' I looked at Casey, and he was staring straight ahead. She said: 'Yes, Momma, it's true.' I didn’t believe it because Jamie Lynn’s always been so conscientious. She’s never late for her curfew. I was in shock. I mean, this is my 16-year-old baby."

- On her reaction:

"You have to sit and think about it and deal with the situation that you have and stay focused that there is this beautiful new living human being that's on its way."

- On her teenage daughter raising a baby:

"I want her to ask me to help as much as she wants me to because I will be there for her. I want to be a big part, if she wants me to be. "

- On if Jamie Lynn and Casey should get married:

"We're not going there. We're focusing on the baby. We've got so much to focus on right now."

- On grandchildren:

"My grandsons are so adorable! Of course, another little boy would be precious, but a little girl would be precious too. It doesn't matter so long as it's healthy - that's what's important. "

Lynn Spears is such a dedicated mother, how could she know that her daughter was having unprotected sex? I mean, Jamie-Lynn was never late for her curfew, please!

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