12 January 2008

tara says shes no party animal, must have been drunk when saying so (part2)

Tara sobre que la critiquen por ser una fiestera (cuando ella dice que no lo es):

"¿Qué es lo que he hecho realmente? ¿Bailar sobre una mesa? ¿Quién no bebe con sus amigos y pasa un buen rato? No entiendo porqué la gente critica a los demás por ser feliz. Si llevo una copa en mi mano eso no me convierte en una alcohólica. Si quiero un vaso de vino, quiero un vaso de vino. No debería temer lo que los medios puedan decir. Cualquier cosa que hagas pues estás jodida. Esa es la lección que has aprendido".

En este punto ya me creo más a Linds que a Tara porque al menos de LiLo no se han vuelto a ver fotos como las de Tara esta semana, y no vale la excusa de que la pillan mal ya que ni se aguanta de pié.
No criticamos que salga de fiesta, que haga todo lo que quiera, pero que no nos venga ahora a decir que es una santa o que es normal. Paris lo acepta y miren que feliz es.


Tara on the constant criticism of her alleged party-girl lifestyle (and she says she's not a party-animal):

“What have I ever really done? Dance on a table? Who doesn’t drink with their friends and have a good time? I don’t understand why people punish others for being happy. If I have a drink in my hand, it doesn’t make me an alcoholic. If I want a glass of wine, I want a glass of wine. I shouldn’t be afraid of it because of what the media might say. Anything you do, you’re screwed. That’s the lesson I’ve learned.”

At this point I believe anything that Linds says more than Tara because at least LiLo hasn't been snapped like on these pics taken of Tara from this week, and don't give me excuses like she has been taken a bad picture, because she can't barely walk.
We don't critisize her partying, she can do it as much as she wants but we don't buy that saint thing now or that it is a normal thing. Paris accepts it and look how happy she is.


Brilly said...

jajajaja, vaya borrachera que porta!jajajajaj


Anonymous said...

amparooooooo, vaz boooorachaaaaa...jejeje

keiruknightley said...

i think she's right you know? having a few drinks every now and then when you go out doesn't make you an alcoholic. YES you can breake and be extremely drunk sometimes, but STILL, IT DOESN'T MAKE YOU AN ALCOHOLIC.
i would have to see if that fits with her party profile hahaha.

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