30 August 2006

paris is welcome, tara is not

Paris y nuestra chica favorita Tara Reid cuando aún eran amigas, digo aún porque ya no lo son.

Y sino miren este video, a Tara no la dejan pasar delante de las cámaras al club Hyde, diciéndole que el club está lleno, pero segundos después Paris llega con su amiga Kim Kardashian y las dejan pasar directamente, ante la pobre Tara que se tiene que quedar fuera como en resto de mortales...

Super humillante momento!



Paris and our favourite girl Tara Reid when they were still friends, I say were cause they're not anymore.

Just look at this video, Tara is denied to enter at club Hyde infront of the cameras, saying that there's no more room but seconds after Paris arrives with her pal Kim Kardashian and they let them enter instantly while poor Tara has to wait outside like all the other people...

Super humilliating moment!


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