11 June 2007

paris can cheat on boyfriends but not jail

Las primeras visitas de Paris: su ex Starvos y Nicky

Paris no apelará su sentencia de volver a prisión, cosa que hará una vez que se sienta mejor, ahora está en un hospital penitenciario.

La pobre Paris no creía que la cosa iba a acabar tan mal para ella, fuentes afirman que los Hilton ya tenían de antemano un pacto con el sherif de que ella pasaría 3 dias en prisión y luego sería enviada a su casa bajo arresto domiciliario.
Pero la ley es la ley y por mucho dinero al final acabas pagando el precio más caro.

Paris ha dicho que está aprendiendo de esta experiencia y que Dios le está mostrando el camino, nosotros le sugerimos que cuando salga contrate a un chófer que la lleve de fiesta y así se evita problemas.


Paris' first visitors in jail: her ex Starvos and Nicky

Paris won't appeal her sentence to go back to prison and she will be back as soon as she's feeling better as now she's in a medical penitenciary jail.

Poor Paris didn't believe that things would go so wrong for her, sources say that the Hiltons got a planned deal with the sheriff to spend 3 days and jail and then be sent at home under home arrest.
But you can't fool the law and even though you have lots of money you finally end up paying a higher price.

Paris has declared that she's learning a lot from this experience and that God is showing her the right path but we would suggest her to hire a chauffeur when she's out to drive her home after partying and she will not get into more trouble.

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