12 December 2007

britney is willing to have her kids back

Britney debía testificar hoy en el juicio en un día clave para saber qué pasará con la custodia de sus hijos pero ha llamado diciendo que tiene ansiedad y la cosa se ha pospuesto para mañana.

Es normal que Brit esté nerviosa y más con todos los paparazzis esperando fuera de su casa pero si ya está rodeada de ellos todo el santo día por qué se sorprende tanto?


Britney was supposed to go to court today and make her deposition to see what would happen with the children's custody but she has called saying she suffered from anxiety and the trial will take place tomorrow.

It's normal that Brit might be nervous and especially with all the paps waiting outside her house but that happens to her everyday so why is she this surprised?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

te sacaron un fotoloooooooooog, PUTOS que son, te adoramos!!!

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