16 July 2008

lilo stills an attention whore in love

Ya saben que los rumores de si Lilo y Sam salen juntas o no me aburren pero hay tres posibilidades:

1. Simplemente son amigas.
2. Están saliendo juntas y no esconden sus muestras de afecto.
3. Independientemente de que estén juntas o no, a Lilo le gusta tanto llamar la atención que se muestra asi con ella.

Yo me queda con la número 3...


You know that the rumours of are they or aren't they dating bore me o the death but there are three possibilities:

1. They're just friends.
2. They're dating and they don't hide their love affections.
3. It doesn't matter if they are together or not because Lilo loves so much the attention that she behaves with her like this.

I'll go for humber 3...

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