07 July 2008

ashley-lo is totally a lohan

Se dice que Ashley, la supuesta hermana secreta de Lilo y Ali, quiere ser cantante y sacar un disco y que incluso lo hace mejor que ellas dos...

Aún no se sabe si realmente es hermana suya o no, lo que sí se sabe? esque parece que a sus 12 años ya tiene hambre de fama, toda una Lohan!


It's said that Ashley, Lilo's and Ali's possible secret sister, wants to be a singer and to release a record and that she even does better than them...

It's not known yet if she's really their sister or not, but what it's known is that at 12 she's already fame hungry, a total Lohan girl!


Anonymous said...

esa tiene 12 años??????

Anonymous said...

cuales son tua fotologs ahora???

Anonymous said...


y http://www.fotolog.com/plastic_royalty

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