18 November 2008

paris should be back with stavros and to her old self

Paris la otra noche de fiesta con Stavros, su ex... miren que quiero que vuelva con él, con Stavros siempre fue ella misma, la Paris que sale siempre de joda y que se mete en lios y que es así la más feliz del mundo y no siendo una copia de la nueva versión de Nicole, jugando a las parejas formales con Benji... ésa es la Paris que todos queremos!


Paris the other night partying with her ex Stavros... look I do really wany her to be back with him, with Stavros she was always herself, the Paris that always went out and got involved in some mess and that was when she was her happiest, not like now being a copy of the new version of Nicole and playing to be a formal couple with Benji... that's the Paris we all love!

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