15 December 2008

papa simpson is already pimping his grandchild

Parece ser que de momento no saldrán fotos del bebé Bronx de Ashlee y Pete porque papa Simpson, siempre buscando lo mejor para sus hijas, pide demasiado por las fotos y ninguna revista quiso pagar tal precio. Por supuesto Pete ha negado esto diciendo que no saldrán fotos del bebé de momento, pero me temo que él no sabe en qué família se ha metido y como es su suegro.


It seems that there won't be pics fom Ashlee's and Pete's baby Bronx because papa Simpson, always looking for the best for his daughters, asked a too high price for the pics and any magazine wanted to pay it. Of course Pete is denying all this saying that baby pics won't be out for now but I'm afraid that he doesn't know in which family he's into and how is his father-in-law like.

1 comment:

José Ignacio Blonde. said...

no soporto al papá de las simpsonss

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