06 January 2009

paris is a lie

Paris con su nueva mejor amiga Brittany Flickinger, la ganadora del reality show, ella le dijo a Brittany que prueba a sus amistades comentándoles cosas que no son verdad para ver si salen a la prensa esos rumores asi que esperemos que el rumor de que Paris y George Clooney podrían haberse enrollado sea sólo eso, un rumor, porque sino se me cayó un ídolo...


Paris with her new best friend Brittany Flickinger, winner of the reality show, she told Brittany that she tests her friends by saying to them things that aren't true to see if those surface to the press as a rumours so let's hope the rumour of a possible hook up between Paris and George Clooney is just that, a rumour, because if not I'm done as his fan...

1 comment:

MAY said...

Paris-George Clooney...
mmm... terrible pareja:S
lo creo imposible.

Aunque ambos parecen esquivarle al compromiso.


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