03 February 2009

emma roberts is not a lindsay fan

Emma Roberts es la joven sobrina de Julia Roberts de 17 años, el año pasado la pillaron tomando alcohol de fiesta, a partir de eso no ha tenido más polémica pero ha hablado sobre la transición de la adolescencia a la vida adulta:

"Sólo pienso que es una capa de hielo muy fina por la que caminas. Ya sabes, mucha gente simplemente se mete en problemas y hacen cosas que son horribles. Y es como, el punto en cuestión, como, Anne Hathaway. El hecho de que ella estuviera en 'Diario de una princesa', como, nunca piensas sobre ello. Mientras, como, Lindsay Lohan, aún sabes que estuvo en 'Freaky friday' y en 'The Parent Trap', y es difícil tomarla en serio. Así que es por eso que pienso que Anne Hathaway es un buen ejemplo. Creo que ella ha sido nominada para tantos premios este año. Y el hecho de que protagonizara un film de Disney cuando estaba en su adolescencia, mucha gente no sabe eso, no lo creo."

Bueno, primero la chica se expresa muy mal porque me costó hacer que la traducción tuviera lógica, pero igualmente, aunque tiene en parte razón, es feo criticar asi tan abiertamente a otra actriz joven, ya veremos si logra como Anne dejar atrás esa etapa, tal vez no debiera hablar mucho a ver si la van a recordar igual que a Linds...


Emma Roberts' is Julia Roberts' young 17-year-old niece, last year she was caught drinking while partying, apart from that she's not been involved into any drama but she has talked about the transition from adolescence to adulthood:

"I just think it's very thin ice you're walking on. You know, so many people just mess it up, and they do things that are so outrageous. And it's like, the whole point is, like, Anne Hathaway. The fact that was is 'Princess Diaries', like, you'd never think about that. Whereas, like, Lindsay Lohan, you still know that she was in 'Freaky Friday' and 'The Parent Trap', and it's hard to take her seriously. So that's why I really think Anne Hathaway is a great example. I think she's been nominated for so many awards this year. And the fact that she starred in a Disney movie when she was in her teens, a lot of people don't even know that, I don't think."

Well, first of all this girl expresses herself pretty bad because I found it hard to make a clear translation but despite that, and even though she's in part right, it's not cool to critisize so openly to another young actress, let's see if she will leave that image behind like Anne, maybe she shouldn't talk this much because what if she's later remembered like Linds...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pero si no sale en la foto!

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