07 March 2009

nicole & joel to marry!

Hay rumores que dicen que Joel y Nicole están planeando casarse antes del nacimiento de su próximo bebé! Ahora que volverán a ser padres quieren formalizar su situación y se dice que ya están haciendo planes de boda.

No les parece genial? esta es la família más bonita de las starlets, quien lo hubiera pensado!


There are rumours that say that Joel and Nicole are planning to get married before the new baby is born! Now that they will become parents again they want to make it official and it's said that they're already making wedding preparations.

Isn't that great? this is the most beautiful family of the starlets, who would have thought that!

1 comment:

Ares said...

me encanta ♥ el rumbo que ha tomado la vida de nicole :_)

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