04 July 2009

will jess biel cry a river?(part2)

Hay rumores de una próxima ruptura entre Jessica Biel y Justin Timberlake ya que él ya está cansado de que ella sea tan demandante y siempre le esté controlando cuando sale con sus amigos, y aunque se les haya visto juntos cenando esta semana, parece que él la quiere dejar. También hay rumores de que Justin le fue infiel con otra en un club, no me gusta nada él para Jess, y ya habido varios rumores de crisis en la pareja asi que parece que esta vez va a ser verdad...


There are rumours of an upcoming possible split between Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake because he's tired of her being so needy and always checking him up when he's out with his efriends, and even though they have been spotted this week, it seems that he wants to dump her. There are also rumours of Justin cheating on her with a girl in a club, I don't like him at all for Jess and there were already rumours of a crisis in the couple so it seems that this time it's going to be true...

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