04 July 2009

megan is dumb queen(part2)

Megan con su compañero de reparto en 'Transformers' Shia LaBeouf. Ella criticó el film y al director diciendo que no era ni honesta ni realista y que no se trataba de una peli de actuaciones y el director Michael Bay ha dicho:

"Bueno, ahí tienen a Megan Fox. Ella dice algunas cosas muy ridículas porque tiene 23 años y aún le queda mucho por crecer. Girarán sus ojos al leer comentarios como esos y pensarán, 'Vale Megan, puedes hacer lo que quieras. Lo capto'. Nick Cage no era un gran actor cuando le hice el casting, tampoco lo era Ben Affleck antes de ponerle en 'Armageddon'. Shia LaBeouf no era una gran estrella antes de hacer 'Transformers' y entonces saltó al estrellato. Nadie en el mundo sabía de Megan Fox hasta que la encontré y la puse en 'Transformers'."

Ouch! Y tiene toda la razón, Megan no debería criticar el film que le ha dado la fama, eso es bastante tonto, pero ya saben quién ha sido nombrada la celebrity más tonta.


Megan with her costar in 'Transformers' Shia LaBeouf. She critisized the film and the director saying that it was not honest or realistic and that it wasn't a movie about performances and director Michael Bay has said:

"Well, that's Megan Fox for you. She says some very ridiculous things because she's 23 years old and she still has a lot of growing to do. You roll your eyes when you see statements like that and think, 'Okay Megan, you can do whatever you want. I got it. Nick Cage wasn't a big actor when I cast him, nor was Ben Affleck before I put him in 'Armageddon'. Shia LaBeouf wasn't a big movie star before he did 'Transformers' -- and then he exploded. Nobody in the world knew about Megan Fox until I found her and put her in Transformers."

Ouch! And he's right, Megan shouldn't critisize the film that has given her fame because that's a dumb thing to do, but you know who has been named the most dumb celebrity.

1 comment:

Bliur said...

No sabes lo de Megan Fox y Zac Efron??


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