13 August 2009

nikki r. is a nice friend

La chica de 'Twilight' Nikki Reed con Vanessa en los Teen Choice Awards, ellas son amigas desde que hicieron juntas el film 'Thirteen' hace años. Pero durante los premios y cuando Dane Cook se metió con Nessa por sus fotos desnuda, Nikki, que estaba sentada a su lado, no pudo evitar reírse mientras Vanessa aguantaba el tipo y en el vídeo tampoco se oye que le abuchearan tanto como se dijo, amigas para esto!

'Twilight' girl Nikki Reed with Vanessa at the Teen Choice Awards, they have been friends for years ever since they made the film 'Thirteen' together. But during the awards and when Dane Cook mocked Nessa for her nude pictures, Nikki, who was sitting by her side, couldn't help but laugh while Vanessa was trying to keep it cool, and in the video people are not heard booing to him as much as it was said, to have friends for this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nessa Lo Tiene bn Merecido....

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