04 August 2009

paris wont like this

Brit y Lilo en una foto reciente de una fiesta, ambas son rubias de nuevo ahora.

Recuerdan cuando salían Brit, Linds y Paris juntas y siempre había drama porque ellas ignoraban a Lindsay? Brit y Linds no fueron realmente nunca amigas pero Paris con Lilo sí, y Paris siempre ha echado mucho de menos a Britney asi que seguro que se muere al ver estas fotos de ella con su enemiga...


Brit and Lilo in a recent pic during a party, they are both back to blonde now.

Remember when Brit, Linds and Paris used to hang out and there was always drama because they ignored Lindsay? Brit and Linds were never really friends but Paris and Lilo were and Paris has always missed a lot Britney so I'm sure she will die when she sees this pic of her with her freenemie...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LiLo n SeriiOo c V Muuuy Delgada y tan hermosa que es


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