Prueben hoy!
Noone guessed the last camera shy starlet right so I'm posting the same starlet hiding again and the first one who guesses right gets 2 points!
Try today !
*(Write your fotolog account so that way if you guess right I can give you the point! Those who DON'T have flog or blog have to use a nick and use always the same and say the name of a starlet! - list of them on the right)
(Pongan su título de fotolog por si aciertan y así sumarles el punto! Los que NO tengan flog o blog han de dejar su nick y utilizar siempre el mismo y digan el nombre de una starlet! - lista de todas ellas a la derecha)
quite interesting post. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did anyone know that some chinese hacker had busted twitter yesterday again.
Mischa Barton!
Facil!! MISCHA!
Emma Watson!
obvio !! (creo) kristren dunst, ! es cosa de ver a johnny y su vestido
emma watson
Kirsten Dunst!! :D
kate bosworth
dakota fanning!
dakotaa fanniiiing??
mischa barton!
Emma Watson
mischa barton
Micha Barton...!!
Kate Bossworth
Mischa Barton
Puede ser Keira nightley¿?
kirsten dunst!
Mischa Barton!
avril lavigne?
soy celebscontestss!
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